How many Methods can be used to Dispose the Solid Waste?
Solid waste refers to solid and semi-solid waste materials that produced in urban construction, daily life and other social production activities. In today’s life, the environment problem is one of the biggest challenges for everyone of us. Therefore, the disposal of solid waste is becoming more and more important. During the solid waste management recycling process, there are some of the most commonly used methods to dispose the solid waste, such as landfills, incineration, plasma gasification, composting and so on. No matter which kinds of dispose method we adopted to deal with the solid waste problem, we all should control the production of secondary pollution strictly. To te honest, you can set up a solid waste processing plant to deal with it.

SEEC solid waste crushing machine for sale
- Model: SEECFLF-800 (can be customized)
- Power(kw): 30
- Production capacity(t/h): 5-8
- Inlet size(mm): 600×400
- Dimension(mm): 1800×1020×2100
Why you should Dispose the Solid Waste by Composting?
In fact, there are many methods available to dispose the solid waste. The most typical disposal methods of solid waste are landfill and incineration. These two methods are most commonly used during the solid waste management. However, there are some serious problems such as resource waste and secondary pollution in both solutions. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the above two methods. Besides, there is a new method to compost the solid waste and make them into organic fertilizer. As a method of solid waste disposal, it has greater feasibility and long-term economic benefits for your solid waste processing plant.

Solid waste mixer machine for sale
- Model: SEECSJ-8030
- Power(kw): 11
- Reducer type: ZQ350-31.5
- Outer diameter of mixing shaft(mm): 420
- Dimensions(mm): 3700×800×750
What kinds of Solid Waste can be Composted into High-Quality Organic Fertilizer?
- Agricultural waste: rice straw, rice bran, and so on. These organic wastes are rich in nutrition which is good for microorganism to decompose the organic matter in raw materials.
- Animal manure: chicken manure, pigs, cattle, sheep dung, etc. The content of trace elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is rich in animal manure. Thus, the animal manure is suitable to be fermented and make them into organic fertilizer.
- Industrial waste: distiller’s grains, sugar residue and so on.
- Domestic waste: kitchen waste, vegetable waste and so on.
- Municipal sludge: River silt, sewage sludge, etc. They are also suitable to be composted.

SEEC: High-Quality Composting Machines and Solutions for your Solid Waste Processing Plant
SEEC is a professional manufacture of organic fertilizer production equipment. The main project of our company is the production and installation of organic fertilizer production line and its accessories. Although there are so many methods available to dispose the solid waste in our life, composting is the most suitable one for your plant. After the composting work, you can also make a further process to make organic fertilizer for commercial purpose. In SEEC, we offer you tailor-made full service, from conceptual design to plant planning, equipment selection and operation, staff training and the maintenance of our equipment. You can count on us to find the right solution for all your needs.

What kinds of Composting Method can be used for Solid Waste Disposal ?
There are many composting methods of solid waste disposal. Here is a list of solid waste composting technologies from SEEC:
1. Anaerobic digestion
Anaerobic fermentation is one of the composting method to ferment the biodegradable solid waste. This composting method mainly use microorganisms to break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. Because the fermentation products have ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane and other unpleasant odor, the process is commonly used for industrial purposes to manage waste or to produce fuels.
2. Trench Aerobic composting
The trench aerobic composting is also can be called groove composting. The whole fermentation process of this composting method is finished in the fermentation grooves. With the help of groove type compost turner machine, it can mix and crush the solid waste in the fermentation grooves. Thus, the solid waste can be fermented well by the natural decomposition of aerobic microorganisms.

3. In-vessel composting
In-vessel composting system for solid waste disposal mainly adopts aerobic fermentation technology to decompose organic materials in high temperature. This composting method ferments the organic materials within a building, container, or a vessel. SEEC has the aerobic fermentation pot to ferment the different kinds of solid waste. It is a closed in-vessel composting equipment for the fermentation work. Thus, when you compost your solid waste, there is no environmental pollution in your solid waste processing plant.

In-vessel compost system for solid waste disposal
- Model: SEECFJG-10
- Heating power(kw): 4×6
- Stirring power(kw): 11
- Reducer model: BLED85-493-11
- Stirring speed(r/min): 3
- Overall size: 2400×2400×6900
4. Windrow composting
Windrow composting is suitable for the operator who want to turn great volumes of organic material quickly in confined spaces. In this kind of composting system, all the organic materials need to piled into long fermentation windrows on the ground. Here, SEEC has hydraulic windrow compost turner and the self-propelled windrow compost turner for you to choose for your plant.

How to Make Organic Fertilizer from Solid Waste with SEEC Solid Waste Composting Machine?

In SEEC, the equipment of solid waste organic production line mainly include:
1. Compost Turning Machine: The compost turning equipment from SEEC mainly adopts the aerobic fermentation technology to do fermentation work. It helps to turn the raw materials and speed the fermentation process of solid waste.
2. Crusher Machine: it helps to crush the raw materials.
3. Mixer Machine: mix the materials well.
4. Organic Fertilizer Granulator Machine: it helps to make composted materials into organic fertilizer granules.
5. Ball shape machine: it helps to make the organic fertilizer granules more beautiful
6. Dryer Machine: it can be equipped with a hot stove.

Solid waste fertilizer granule drying equipment for sale
- Model: SEECHG-2222 (can be customized)
- Power(kw): 37
- Intake temperature(℃): ZQ500
- Installation inclination angel(degree): ≥300
- Speed(r/min): 5.5
- Throughput(t/h): 8-16
7. Cooler Machine: it helps cool the granules.
8. Screener Machine: it helps to screen the quality organic fertilizer products.
9. Chain crusher: it is used for the crushing of return materials in fertilizer production.
10. Stock Bin: it helps to stock the material for a while and wait for the next packing process.
11. Belt Conveyor: connect each device in the production line
12. Automatic Packing Machine: the finial process of the whole solid waste organic production line.

Advantages of Composting Solid Waste
1. Composting is a very useful way for recycling solid waste in our life. Many types of local organic waste, such as apple pumice, lake weeds, leaves, and grass clippings, animal manure can be composted to make organic fertilizer.
2. Composting organic solid waste is an economical method in solid waste management. It helps reduce the volume of waste needed to be disposed at landfill.
3. With the advanced composting facilities and composting technology, most kinds of organic solid waste can be composted into organic fertilizer. Therefore, composting solid waste can realize the recovery and recycling of organic solid waste.